• -53%


    35L / 45L
    Rated 0 out of 5
    89.99 inc. VAT
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  • -56%


    30L / 35L
    Rated 0 out of 5
    79.99 inc. VAT
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  • -53%

    EZ_RiderPRO B

    28L / 35L
    Rated 0 out of 5
    74.99 inc. VAT
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Expandable: 35L/45L
Fit a Helmet Inside
Expandable: 30L/35L
Fit a Helmet Inside
Expandable: 28L/35L
Fit a Helmet Inside
Expandable: 28L/35L
Fit a Helmet Inside
Compact and Elegant
Lightweight. 590 gr.
Antitheft Pocket

EVA Back Panel

EVA Back Panel

Pioneering DHT System

Double Helmet Transport

Don't limit yourself. Be free. Be OG.

Here at OG we have designed the pioneering Double Helmet Transport system (DHT), and we have incorporated it in our entire range of motorcycle backpacks.

All our OG DHT backpacks are designed and made by and for bikers. With the biker’s needs always in mind, we have developed the DHT System making OG a unique product in the market, incorporating two different ways of transporting helmets of any kind, and adjustable to all sizes.

Freedom of movement is one of the key things in life and in OG we value it above all.

Feel free with OG motorcycle backpacks, both on and off your bike, keeping your helmet with you at all times, wherever you go, in the most comfortable and practical way, keeping your hands free and allowing you to carry even two helmets at once!

Here at OG we have designed the pioneering Double Helmet Transport system (DHT), and we have incorporated it in our entire range of motorcycle backpacks.

All our OG DHT backpacks are designed and made by and for bikers. With the biker’s needs always in mind, we have developed the DHT System making OG a unique product in the market, incorporating two different ways of transporting helmets of any kind, and adjustable to all sizes. Freedom of movement is one of the key things in life and in OG we value it above all. Feel free with OG motorcycle backpacks, both on and off your bike, keeping your helmet with you at all times, wherever you go, in the most comfortable and practical way, keeping your hands free and allowing you to carry even two helmets at once!  

Don't limit yourself. Be free. Be OG.




The OG brand was born in 2018 in Ibiza, Spain. It was founded by Frans Wong and Dirk Gaston, two adventure-seeking bikers with one common vision: designing durable high-quality products, always with the biker’s freedom in mind.

This vision, imbued with the spirit of innovation, has been gradually materializing these last years after a careful and meticulous period of research and development to end up with our current range of backpacks that we bring to the market, now, for you.

We work tirelessly day after day in order to come up with effective solutions, paying attention to every last detail, always with the goal of improving ourselves and delivering maximum functionality with designs in constant evolution.

We have developed this project with the illusion of looking into the future to conquer the present.

Photo Backpack: #EZ_RIDER PRO

Customer Reviews

Damaged port (Scuffed) & Zipper. Really good buy otherwise

Rated 4 out of 5

This motorcycle backpack is really impressive. It’s by far the best one i’ve used. It was just over £50 at the time of the review (13/08/20). For that price it’s an absolute steal.

There’s so many pockets and features. You just keep finding new things.

It’s capable of carrying 2 helmets which is really impressive. One inside the bag and one outside via an elastic netting. It also comes with a waterproof bag for the helmet if you choose to have it on the outside. The waterproof bag is stored in a pocket located at the top of the bag.

The netting to hold a helmet on the outside is folded up and located in a pocket at the bottom of the bag. While in use it’s secured at the top with 2 strong clips.

This bag is extendable by unzipping and releasing a decent amount of extra fabric. In total this bag can hold about 35L of storage.

The materials and foam padding is excellent at both looks and feels really soft and durable. It’s really comfortable on my back. Even when loaded with weight.

It’s not all good unfortunately. It comes with a USB and Headphone port which is amazing, but mine arrived really scuffed up. I have provided pictures for this. (It does look worse in person )

It looks like the ports have scraped something rough like concrete or something and it really stands out in the daytime. They are some pretty deep scuffs.

Also one of the zippers really struggles to open, I’ve had a look at the connector and made sure there’s no fabric getting in the way. Also checked for loos thread of debris. But there’s nothing I can see to fix it.

It’s really disappointing actually because this is a really decent bag and looks otherwise very high quality.

I’m sure this is most likely a one off though and not a common problem.

Overall though, a really great quality bag. I’d give it a full 5 Stars if it didn’t have the damage to the ports and the zipper. It’s a really good buy otherwise.


Mochila robusta, cómoda y con capacidad

Rated 5 out of 5

Mochila para ciudad y moto, para todos aquellos que vais a diario en moto a trabajar y necesitáis guardar cosas como portátil, cascos, iPad y documentos. Es una mochila hecha en poliéster y acabados de calidad como puede apreciarse en la foto. En el interior tiene una funda para colocar por encima en caso de que el día sea lluvioso.

Tiene capacidad para guardar perfectamente cosas en el interior y a parte colocar dos cascos en la mochila. Los detalles que tiene en la parte delantera, como son las correas que se agarran a la cintura y al pecho, para que de esa forma la mochila vaya bien sujeta y sientas seguridad a la hora de ir en la moto.

Tiene bastantes compartimentos interiores, cremalleras y bolsillos para poder guardar cosas pequeñas como por ejemplo llaves, monederos, etc. También consta de bandas reflectantes que por la noche se agradece para poder ser visto mejor por los coches. El asa superior hace que si no quieres llevar la mochila en la espalda, por el motivo que sea, la cojas con el asa y la lleves como si fuera una bolsa.

Os dejo un par de fotos para que veáis los acabados y sobre todo la resistencia que tiene la mochila, los materiales de calidad hacen que todo lo que metas dentro esté a salvo de golpes y que la mochila vaya a durarte bastante tiempo si la cuidas.

Croqueta enfurecida

Estremamente sportivo ed aggressivo!

Rated 5 out of 5

Ho acquistato da poco una moto pertanto non appena mi si è presentata la possibilità di provare questo zaino ho subito accettato….e per fortuna! Sin da subito risaltano all’occhio la solidità del tessuto impermeabile, la qualità di cuciture e rifiniture ed il design estremamente sportivo ma comunque sobrio e minimale!

Lo zaino è dotato di uno scomparto unico ben organizzato e funzionale. A diretto contatto con lo schienale troviamo una tasca con chiusura a velcro superiore adatta adatta ad ospitare notebook fino a 15″ in piena sicurezza. Sul lato esterno di questa tasca è presente un taschino (comodo per riporre mouse o alimentatore), uno scomparto a retina (dove sono solito riporre le mie pen drive) e tre porta penne. Questa tasca non presenta ulteriori scomporti e si presta per il trasporto di piccoli indumenti, libri, documenti, macchina fotografica o accessori vari; presenta un’ampia cerniera che permette un’apertura totale a libro per organizzare al meglio la nostra roba. Lo spazio a disposizione non è sufficiente? Niente paura! lungo il perimetro dello schienale è presente una cerniera che permette di espandere lo zaino e passare da 28 a 35 l di capacità!


– lo schienale è studiato in ogni dettaglio = presenta delle estroflessioni semi-rigide in corrispondenza dei punti di contatto con la schiena per favorire l’areazione, migliorare il confort ed evitare un’eccessiva sudorazione;

– è presente una fascia addominale ed una cinghia toracica per bloccare saldamente lo zaino al corpo ed evitare improvvisi cambi di direzione dello zaino quando siamo in sella alla moto;

– gli spallacci e la cinghia toracica sono regolabili pertanto questo zaino si adegua perfettamente a persone di ogni altezza!

– tutte le cerniere sono gommate per garantire massima protezione all’acqua;

– sono presenti degli inserti fluorescenti per essere maggiormente visibili al buio;

– nel taschino collocato in prossimità della maniglia troviamo una custodia protettiva altamente impermeabile

in grado di assicurare protezione totale anche nel caso di pioggia battente;

– dal taschino inferiore fuoriesce una rete a nastri elastici che si agganciano ai lati dello zaino mediante fibbie a clip per poter comodamente trasportare il nostro casco…questo è senza dubbio uno dei maggiori punti di forza!

– sul lato sinistro è presente una fibbia regolabile con moschettone finale per appendere un secondo casco.


– gli spallacci sono poco imbottiti = con zaino a pieno carico il trasporto è piuttosto scomodo!

– la fibbia a clip della fascia addominale è enorme e quando è chiusa mi causa delle irritazioni della pelle;

– non è presente nessuna porta USB per poter ricaricare il nostro device tenendo la powerbank comodamente al sicuro all’interno dello zaino;

Uno zaino davvero aggressivo! Prodotto perfetto per gli amanti delle due ruote!



Rated 5 out of 5

Ideale per chi va in moto o altro


Robuster Motorrad Ruckack mit viel Platz und sinnvollen Fächern

Rated 5 out of 5

Dieser Motorrad Rucksack von OG Online&Go darf sich wirklich Motorrad Rucksack nennen!

Ich habe zwar schon einen Motorradrucksack von Polo, aber der von OG Online&Go hat auf der Rückseite eine extra Helmtasche was ich so von keinem Biker Rucksack kenne.

Die Verarbeitung insgesamt ist ordentlich. Alle Reißverschlüsse funktionieren ohne zu haken und sind leichtgängig. Der mit einem Stahlseil verstärkte Bügel zum Halten auf der Oberseite hält den Rucksack selbst komplett vollgestopft mühelos. Das Außenmaterial ist schön robust und steif, selbst bei schnellen Fahrten über die Autobahn flattert der Rucksack nicht.

Es gibt drei Möglichkeiten, seinen Helm bzw seine Helme damit zu transportieren:

-Links an einer Lasche durch die Visieröffnung

-im erweiterten Zustand im Helminneren

-mit einem ausziehbaren Helmnetz

Darüber hinaus gibt es genügend Fächer für bspw Notebook oder Tablet (dieses Fach ist außerdem zusätzlich gepolstert), Schreibkram, diverse Kabel, Trinkflasche, Kleidung, Snacks usw.

Der Rucksack ist aus Polyester gefertigt, welches widerstandsfähig gegen Sonne und Regen ist. Für den Fall von sehr starkem Regen ist der OG Online&Go Rucksack zusätzlich mit einer wasserdichten, herausnehmbaren Regenschutzhaube ausgestattet. Der Tragekomfort ist auch voll ok für einen Motorradrucksack. Die Rückenfläche ist angenehm gepolstert und durch die verstellbaren Brust- und Hüftgurte kann man ihn nach eigenem Gusto einstellen. Mit einem hochpreisigen Wanderrucksack ist der Tragekomfort natürlich nicht vergleichbar.

Der Preis geht voll in Ordnung und selbstverständlich kann man den Rucksack durch sein stylisches und stabiles Design auch als Handgepäck im Flieger oder für die unterschiedlichsten Freizeitaktivitäten nutzen.

Ich konnte keine negativen Punkte finden, daher gebe ich 5 Sterne.

S & C