179.99€ 79.99€ IVA Inc.
179.99€ 79.99€ IVA Inc.
con Conexión USB y Funda de Lluvia Impermeable… Capaz de transportar hasta DOS cascos a la vez.
Sistema DHT, Interior Expandible, Resistente al Agua/Desgaste, Funda de Lluvia Impermeable, Compartimento Portátil 15 Pulgadas, Tiras Reflectantes, Asas Transpirables, Respaldo Panel EVA, Correas Ajustables Pecho/Cintura, Conexión USB, Bolsillos Laterales, Panel Frontal Reforzado.
Equipada con el Sistema Pionero DHT que incorpora Tres posibilidades diferentes para transportar tu casco y si fuera necesario hasta Dos cascos a la vez.
45x34x26/31cm (Expandida)
Although this is my partner’s first OG motorbike backpack it’s very similar in design to his now very tatty and weathered (but still going strong) favourtie biker bag in terms of aesthetics and quality but this one does have a fair few extra features and feels like the depth and protective quality is a notch or two up too, so I imagine this will last a very long time . The extra straps on this one (including the upper chest straps which his other doesn’t have) make it pretty much impossible to come off and lightening the straps in each area once on means it won’t budge an inch, won’t impact your balance, and most importantly won’t come off!
Good options for storing a helmet – either your own when not in use or otherwise a spare if you”re picking someone up as you can easily fit it inside for it to be extra secure whilst riding, good options for taking delicate such as a laptop or tablet in the padded area and a good amount of compartments and pockets in the interior and exterior for easy storage which is very accessible on the external pockets. The reflective strips make up for any that this bag might cover up on your jacket which is nice and overall it;s a really solid incredibly well made piece which also looks pretty good too! 100% worth the money in my partner’s eyes and he said he;d happily recommend it all day long as it;s also comfortable as well as practical.
I’ve tried a few bike backpacks over the years, most of them coming up short for one reason or other but this OG ONline&Go CityRunner seems to have been designed by someone who actually rides … and in poor weather too.
It seems to overcome most issues I had in the past by being large enough but comfortable to wear on and off the bike with both chest and waist straps for comfort and security. It seems to be weatherproof, but I have only tested by pouring a glass of water on it, not heavens open at 60.
An additional helmet can be secured to the outside which is handy, plus there is a waterproof cover.
All in all, it hits all the right notes for me, it even has USB and headphone leads pre wired in.
I have loads of different backpacks, all of which are handy for different things, but none that are specially designed for motorbiking. It seems like as soon as something is specifically for motorbikes the price doubles, and within that context this bag is a bit of a bargain.
It has a large capacity which can be expanded, and the usual compartments and pockets for pens, phones and other bits and pieces, as well as the obligatory laptop compartment. Where it is specific to bikes is having multiple options for carrying helmets. There is a strap on the side which can hold one, and a netting flap that can hold another – this is hidden in a zipped compartment at the bottom out of the way until needed. You could also hold one inside I guess, but why would you when there are two other options that do not use up all the carrying space?
This is all very handy if you do not have a topbox and need to carry a spare helmet when going to pick somebody up, but actually most useful for when you are not on the bike! What I mean by this is that when you park up and go off on foot you do not need to carry your helmet around.
I was impressed by the straps. The main ones are nicely padded, but there is also a waist strap and a chest strap so that everything is properly secured.
I’m not so sure about the connections for USB and audio. It is all very clever, with shielded sockets on the outside connected to cables inside, but it seems to me that most riders now have their phone mounted on handlebars as a satnav with USB powered by the bike electrics, and all comms using Bluetooth so this is a feature that would have been amazing ten years ago but superseded by technology now. But it is there, doesn’t do any harm, and might be useful in some circumstances.
Overall, this is a decent bit of kit and very well-priced compared to most products aimed at motorcyclists.
Prodotto come da descrizione perfetto, prodotto eccellente anche nelle rifiniture, rapporto qualità prezzo eccellente.
Sono un motociclista da circa 25 anni e per chi come me è affetto da questa costosa passione sa bene quanto possa rendere poco piacevole un viaggio la presenza di uno zaino non pensato per questo scopo. Gli spallacci poco rivestiti che serrano le spalle, i movimenti dello stesso dovuti al vento, il peso mal ripartito, la pioggia e l’annoso problema del dove mettere il casco se non si è dotati di un ampio bauletto.
Questo zaino di OG Online&GO è pensato per affrontare con efficacia tutti questi temi offrendo un’esperienza confortevole e pratica!
Lo zaino è curato nei materiali ed è buona la fattura generale, resistente il rivestimento, le cuciture e le chiusure a zip, è estensibile, pertanto può aumentare la sua capacità quando necessario, restando compatto quando non si ha bisogno di molto spazio. Lo spazio interno è veramente ben organizzato, presenta un vano dedicato agli oggetti tecnologici quali notebook (fino a 17″), smartphone, tablet, powerbank, lettori mp3, etc. ed altri dediti al trasporto di oggetti vari, tutti ben rivestiti e curati per resistere a cadute od urti accidentali. Sui laterali sono presenti 2 sacche a retina per il trasporto di bottigliette e simili. Sullo spallaccio sinistro abbiamo le connessioni usb e jack 3,5mm che grazie ai cavi interni ad esso arrivano fino al “vano tecnologico”. Gli spallacci sono imbottiti a dovere e risultano molto confortevoli e traspiranti, gradita la presenza delle cinghie da petto e vita che garantiscono un’ottima stabilità ed aderenza al corpo dello zaino. Comodo e discretamente traspirante lo schienale. Curata anche la maniglia superiore con cavo metallico che risulta resistente anche a pieno carico. Sempre gradita la presenza di catarifrangenti su spallacci e sul rivestimento esterno.
Lo zaino è dotato di una piccola tasca contenente una sacca per coprire lo zaino in caso di forte pioggia e nella parte inferiore troviamo l’alloggiamento per la retina utile a contenere il casco, quest’ultima è munita di cinghie regolabili e contiene bene i principali formati di caschi, personalmente l’ho testata con un integrale e devo dire che assolve perfettamente allo scopo. Mi trovo un pò meno propenso ad utilizzare il supporto a cinghia per il secondo casco che lascia quest’ultimo troppo soggetto ad urti accidentali con ciò che ne potrebbe conseguire a livello di danni a quest’ultimo.
In conclusione ho trovato questo zaino ben progettato ed utile allo scopo, adatto a brevi spostamenti e per viaggi di medio raggio. Confortevole, capiente e sicuro! Un punto a favore lo merita il sistema per il trasporto del casco! Rapporto qualità/prezzo migliorabile ma giustificato dalla buona fattura generale. Per me approvato!
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