189.99€ 89.99€ IVA Inc.
189.99€ 89.99€ IVA Inc.
Molto Capiente…Puoi trasportare fino a DUE caschi insieme.
Sistema DHT, Interno Espandibile, Resistente all’Acqua/Usura, Fodera Antipioggia Impermeabile, Taschino Antifurto, Scompartimento Portatile 17 pollici, Fasce Rifrangenti, Spalliera e Cinghie Schiena traspiranti, Cinghia Regolabile al Petto/Bacino, Connessione USB, Taschini Laterali, Cinghia per Bagaglio, Carcassa Rigida e Trama di Fibra di Carbonio
Facile e rapida da agganciare e ideata appositamente per questo impiego.
Connessione USB: Computer/Tablet fino a 17 pollici
Manico Rinforzato in Alluminio e Cinghia per Bagaglio
VERY comfortable. holds two helmets with it exspanded and the extra side sling. so, when i take the missus to biker meets/cafe’s i can carry both our helmets freeing our hands. been in terrential rain and didnt soak through. good stitching and good strengh.
Ottimo prodotto
I initially bought this backpack for my motorbike when I would go out, however I don’t have a bike anymore, regardless I now have a job where I am required to carry a laptop and other things. This backpack works very well for it and looks quite cool and stylish as well.
I would definitely recommend as it is good quality and also strong. The price point is meh a little much but for this product in the end it is worth it.
It has a nice hard carbon fiber back which looks really good. I’ve been using it for few weeks now and it’s holding up great the zips are fine and it expands a lot to fit a helmet, I can confirm my Scorpion 470 fit into it.
Ich hatte einen Rad Unfall. Der Rücken war perfekt geschützt ???
Der Rucksack erfüllt meine Erwartungen absolut!
+ Sehr viel Platz wenn man den entsprechenden Reisverschluss öffnet.
+ Super stabiler Griff am oberen Ende.
+ Weiter Bauchgurt (auch für Schwergewichte wie mich geeignet)
– Verarbeitung der Gummi Lasche über dem Reißverschluss für das Hauptfach ist zu eng am Reisverschluss. Dadurch verhakt der Reisverschluss sich oft in der Gummi Lasche